GNGC History
How We Got Started
Celebrating 25 Years of Praise & Worship
February 28, 1980 was the beginning of a totally new and different organization on the
campus of the University of Houston. The university's own gospel choir was organized to perform at the Faculty/Staff
Christian Fellowship during Black History Month. Inspired by Thelma Douglas, who served as the advisor to the choir
for thirteen years, Joseph B. Washington, the original director, and Catherine. Tiddle, the first public relations coordinator
for the choir, an idea evolved into a reality. The original group was Joseph B. Washington, Catherine Tiddle, Ernest
Lofton, Rickey Loving, Karen Polk, Gertrude Sonnier, Keith Morrison, Jessie Porter, Denise Sanders, Sonya Ransom, and Pam
Smith. Through their diligent and fearless efforts, the group's constitution was set forth, making it a recognized organization
at the University of Houston Central Campus.